The Challenge:

Started agile but stuck in neutral?

Implemented Scrum, Kanban & Co, but going nowhere? That's like driving with the parking brake on - no matter how much gas you give, you're not moving. Let's release those brakes together.

Teams & Culture

❕Agile practices without cultural change are like a sailboat without wind. Real transformation needs more than just processes.

Leadership & Structure

❕Semi-agile leadership is like a hybrid engine idling: Modern tech, but old controls holding it back.

Value & Innovation

❕Agile processes without innovation are like a hamster wheel: Lots of movement, but no real progress.

The first step to real agility

The leadership trap: Team agility, but command & control from above. Time for new structures.
The tooling trap: Jira boards instead of real collaboration. Let's put people back in the center.
The innovation standstill: Quick releases, but no real breakthroughs. How about breaking out of that comfort zone?
The Scrum theater: Daily standup, sprint planning, but old patterns stick. Real agility hits different.
The silo situation: Teams work agile, but collaboration's stuck. Let's tear down these walls.
The process rigidity: Textbook Scrum, but practice lags. Time to breathe life into agility.
The autonomy paradox: Preaching self-organization but no decision-making freedom. Break that cycle.
The retro routine: Same old topics, no real improvements. Time to shake things up!
The MVP dilemma: Minimal often becomes mediocre instead of valuable. Let's find that sweet spot.
The feedback loop: Retrospectives without impact. Let's make feedback powerful again.

Semi-agility is like an engine idling: lots of movement, but no progress. Many teams are stuck in this trap - they've introduced agile practices, but the real breakthrough remains elusive.

The key isn't more processes, but developing agility that truly fits you and creates real value.

Sustainable development: Teams find their flow. Quality and speed in perfect balance.

Innovation culture: Experiments welcome, failures become opportunities. Teams get space for fresh ideas.

Servant leadership: Leaders enable rather than control. Creating space for real agility.

Cross-team collaboration: Communities of Practice connect your teams. Systematically breaking down silos.

Continuous improvement: Turning retrospectives into real change. Problems aren't just spotted, they're solved.

Data-driven agility: KPIs show real business value. Teams get their direct impact.

Deep understanding: Living agile principles, not just following them. Culture grows organically.

Real self-organization: Teams make their own calls and own their stuff. You create the framework for success.

Value focus: MVPs that make sense and deliver real value. Feedback flows straight into development.

Flexible adaptation: Scrum practices that fit your context. If it ain't working, we change it - smart and bold.

Agility is like a river: It doesn't seek the most direct path, but the path of least resistance - often finding better routes than planned.

Michael Schiller

Michael Schiller

Thought leaders and doers for digitalization and organizational development

Starter Offer

Chef Retrospektive

3 Stunden
$760.00 plus VAT

In dieser Intensiv-Session eröffnen wir Führungskräften einen Raum für Reflektion und ehrlichen Austausch. Das ist umso wertvoller, je mehr ihr das Gefühl habt "eigentlich keine Zeit für sowas" zu haben. Wir strukturieren die Interaktion und helfen euch, gemeinsam (wieder) klare Schwerpunkte zu setzen. Damit ihr nicht "möglichst viel" tut, sondern das Richtige - und anderes lasst.

Ablauf: Wir nutzen Moderationstechniken aus unserem agilen Werkzeugkoffer und ergänzen eure Perspektiven durch unsere frische Außensicht. So bringen wir Themen an die Oberfläche, die sonst untergehen, ermöglichen gemeinsames Lernen und richten den Blick mit euch nach vorn. Auf Dinge, die konkret getan oder verbessert werden können. 

What you get:

  • Mehr Klarheit über Prio-Themen
  • 2–3 Verbesserungsbereiche identifiziert
  • Erste Maßnahmen für Quick Wins festgelegt
  • Besseres Verständnis für effektive Retrospektiven

Starter Offer

Remote Agile Coaching

4 Stunden
$890.00 plus VAT

4-hour remote coaching for agile teams and leaders

A flexible remote coaching package to solve specific agile challenges in your team.
Coaching Contents:
Preparation (30 minutes)
  • Clarification of core challenges
  • Definition of coaching goals
  • Alignment of approach
Coaching Sessions (3 hours)
  • Practical solution finding
  • Direct implementation support
  • Feedback and adjustment
Follow-up (30 minutes)
  • Implementation check
  • Fine-tuning of measures
  • Next steps

What you get:

  • Solved concrete challenges
  • Practical recommendations
  • Direct implementation support
  • Sustainable improvements

Starter Offer

QuickSense® Checkup Agilität

Analyse + 2 Stunden
$1,860.00 plus VAT

Der „Hype“ um Agilität ist vorbei. Zeit für eine ehrliche Bestandsaufnahme: Wir erkunden mit euch, wo und wie agiles Denken und Handeln bei euch im Unternehmen gelebt wird. Dafür nutzen wir QuickSense® von The Cynefin Company, ein innovatives Tool zur Datenerhebung, das weitaus wertvollere Ergebnisse liefert als übliche Umfragen.

Beim QuickSense® teilen Mitarbeitende konkrete Erlebnisse in Form kurzer Narrative oder Bilder und bewerten diese anschließend selbst in strukturierter Form. Die Interpretation erfolgt also nicht durch eine KI, sondern durch die Beteiligten selbst. Das Ergebnis sind statistisch relevante Daten mit hoher Aussagekraft. Es werden Muster sichtbar, die erklärbar sind, weil sie auf konkreten Erlebnissen beruhen, die den Kontext deutlich machen. Am besten, ihr schaut euch eine Demo an. Dann versteht ihr, was an diesem Ansatz so anders und wertvoll ist.. Natürlich lassen wir euch mit den Ergebnissen nicht allein. Sie liefern eine Fülle pragmatischer Ansatzpunkte, die wir in einer ca. 2-stündigen Next-Steps-Session mit euch besprechen.

What you get:

  • Umfassender Blick auf den Status Quo (inklusiver Report)
  • Erkenntnis von Mustern 
  • Verständnis zugrundeliegender Motivationen und Widerstände
  • Konkrete Ansatzpunkte für nächste Schritte zu mehr Agilität

Level up your agility game

Our offerings help you break through the limits of semi-agility. No off-the-shelf solutions, just tailor-made approaches that fit your organization perfectly.

From analyzing your current situation to developing a fitting strategy and practical implementation - we've got your back with proven methods and years of experience.

How we roll

We help you develop real agility:

Analyzing your agile maturity and spotting roadblocks
Developing your custom agility strategy
Activating and empowering teams and leaders
Setting up sustainable agile practices and structures
Building a culture of continuous improvement
Integrating innovation and value creation

Your Wins

Faster and more effective team decisions
Higher employee motivation and retention
Boosted innovation power and adaptability
Better collaboration across all boundaries
Measurable increase in value creation
Sustainable embedding of agile principles